The military of ancient china are extremely important to defend and attack other states and countries. Armies consisted of infantry mostly who were armed with spears crossbows, gongs, staffs, jis, gers, and swords.



Men between 23 and 56 had to serve in the army for a minimum of two years in times of piece men usually had guard duty ether at the great wall or in the outskirts of cites. Solders were not paid although they were given food and equipment.

Armour was usually made of metal or leather stitched onto cloth this provided protection and also gave them the ability to move around.

Empress Leizu was the first person to discover silk, no one knows how exactly she found it but its said that a silk worm cucoon fell in her drinkand  uraveld in her tea she then found that the silk unraveld beautifly.

She was married to the Yellow Emperor and lived in the 27th century B.C apon discovering silk she invented the silk loom